
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Were Killed By Bomb Attacks, Iran's Nuclear Scientists Were Buried

Tehran Iran nuclear Scientist who was killed in a car bomb blast on Wednesday, 11 January, buried today. Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, Deputy Director of the uranium enrichment facility at Natanz nuclear plant is buried in northern Tehran, Iran on Friday afternoon local time after Friday prayers.

So Iran, IRNA reported in the media and reported by the AFP News Agency, Friday (13/1/2012).

Roshan was killed when two men riding a motorcycle bomb stick a magnetic to his car. Then the car piloted central traffic jam trapped Roshan in Tehran.

ran officials referred to the attack as a covert operations to cripple Iran's nuclear program.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called the nuclear scientist's murder was disgusting and cowardly. Khamenei also point out the murder was done US Intelligence Agency, the CIA and the Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency.

A number of media which is close to Iran's conservative officials even called for action against retaliation Israel officials. Iran's Government has been urging the UN Security Council to condemn the killings.

The US Government has denied charges of involvement in the death of hard scientists nuclear Iran. Despite the Defense Minister AS claiming to have some ideas as to who is likely involved.

"We have a number of ideas about who might be involved, '' he said while refusing to explain further.

Israel's Government has also denied it was involved in the assassination of Iran scientist. Earlier, three other scientists were also killed in Iran 2010 and 2011 when the cars they explode in similar incidents. Two of the three scientists is a nuclear scientist. Iran officials called the attack was carried out by the Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency, which was likely aided by US intelligence.


Monday, April 23, 2012

The allegation of the west towards the management of nuclear weapons in Iran

The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, shook off allegations back Western countries that its nuclear program is to be used for war. He was behind the attack, saying the West fear with developments that indicated the State of independent States such as Iran and Venezuela.

' All the charges were fabricated. I repeat, Iran and Venezuela have shown amazing growth while others spread their lies control hegemony that we are going to make an atomic bomb, ' says Ahmadinejad as the Fars News Agency, Tuesday January 10th, 2012.

Many other countries, further Ahmadinejad, also considers the charges were only as a joke. ' Rogue superpower that pays attention to the development of countries like us. They wants us to stay weak so that our wealth could be robbed, '' he said.

Iran insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, was used as a power plant. Thus, Iran could be more migasnya to sell products abroad.

' I say, Iran was looking for a way that electricity can remain available to residents due to fuel the current long time will dry too, ' firmly Ahmadinejad.

Meanwhile, the United States and its allies are still in disbelief and keep accusing Iran plans to use its nuclear program for the war. To this day, they still insisted on charges that even though there has never been evidence.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

how to add another language into your computer

when you want to add or type another language in your letter or work pages, you may follow this steps.
may it can help you to do that (^_^)//.

Don't forget to leave comments please....!!! ^_^

information system? what is it?

since the primary school, we have been introduced with the terms of the system. and now do you still remember what is the system?

if you forgot about it, lets me tell what i know about the system. ^_^

the system is a series of components to connect to each other to achieve a particular goal.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cara Merawat Flashdisk

Flashdisk salah satu alat penyimpanan data yang semakin hari semakin popular dan bisa dibilang menggeser peranan floppydisk atau yang biasa kita sebut dengan disket. Sebenarnya flashdisk dan disket memiliki fungsi yang sama, hanya saja flashdisk biasanya memiliki kapasitas penyimpanan yang jauh lebih besar disbanding disket.

Selain kualitas, mahal tidaknya flashdisk juga tergantung dengan besarnya kapasitas yang tersedia, semakin besar kapasitasnya semakin mahal pula harganya. Agar flashdisk kita tidak mudah rusak, benda yang biasanya berukuran kecil dan berwarna lucu ini juga harus kita rawat. Bukan karena harganya yang relative mahal tapi juga agar data-data penting yang tersimpan di dalamnya lebih aman.

Dibawah ini ada berbagai macam cara untuk merawat flashdisk kita agar awet/ tidak cepat rusak:

  1. Jauhkan flashdisk dari medan magnet yang kuat
    Barang-barang elektronik seperti TV, dan handphone sangat tidak baik untuk flashdisk. Untuk itu jangan pernah menyimpannya didekat barang-barang sejenis yang memiliki kekuatan magnet besar.
  2. Jangan terkena air
    Meski ada beberapa merek yang mengklaim water proof, menjauhkan flashdisk dari sentuhan air tetap saja menjadi langkah yang paling aman.
  3. Virus scan
    Saat pengambilang data atau pemindahan dari PC ke flashdisk, sangat mungkin bukan hanya data yang ikut berpindah tapi juga virus-virus yang terdapat dalam computer. Apalagi kalau kita mengambil dan menyimpan data dari internet.
  4. Proses eject atau stop
    Selalu melakukan proses eject atau stopsebelum mencabut flashdisk dari port USB. Selain bisa menjadikan flashdiskrusak, tidak melakukan proses eject atau stop juga dapat mempengaruhi file-file data yang anda simpan didalamnya.
  5. Jauhkan dari tempat panas
    Semua barang elektronik tak terkecuali flashdisk sangat rentan dengan yang namanya panas ex: terkena sinar matahari langsung.
  6. Hindari benturan keras
  7. Tutuplah selalu bagian kepala flashdisk agar tidak berdebu.
  8. Meminimalisir proses hapus-tulis, karena flashdisk pun punya usia, yaitu 10.000-100.000kali proses hapus tulis.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Knowledge management

Introduction of KM.


Three classic definition of KM, are :
  1. Knowledge management is the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge.(Davenport,T,1994).
  2. Knowledge management is a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise's information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously uncaptured expertise and experience in individual workers.(Duhon,1998).
  3. Knowledge management is an effort to increase useful knowledge within the organization. Ways to do this include encouraging communication, offering opportunities to learn, and promoting the sharing of appropriate knowledge objects or artifacts.(McInerney,C,2002).
The history and development of KM

KM efforts have a long history, to include on-the-job discussions, formal apprenticeship, discussion forums, corporate libraries, professional training and mentoring programs. More recently, with increased use of computers in the second half of the 20th century, specific adaptations of technologies such as knowledge bases, expert systems, knowledge repositories, group decision support systems, intranets, and computer-supported cooperative work have been introduced to further enhance such efforts.[1]
In 1999, the term personal knowledge management was introduced which refers to the management of knowledge at the individual level (Wright 2005).
In terms of the enterprise, early collections of case studies recognized the importance of knowledge management dimensions of strategy, process, and measurement (Morey, Maybury & Thuraisingham 2002). Key lessons learned included: people and the cultural norms which influence their behaviors are the most critical resources for successful knowledge creation, dissemination, and application; cognitive, social, and organizational learning processes are essential to the success of a knowledge management strategy; and measurement, benchmarking, and incentives are essential to accelerate the learning process and to drive cultural change. In short, knowledge management programs can yield impressive benefits to individuals and organizations if they are purposeful, concrete, and action-oriented.
More recently with the advent of the Web 2.0, the concept of Knowledge Management has evolved towards a vision more based on people participation and emergence. This line of evolution is termed Enterprise 2.0 (McAfee 2006). However, there is an ongoing debate and discussions (Lakhani & McAfee 2007) as to whether Enterprise 2.0 is just a fad that does not bring anything new or useful or whether it is, indeed, the future of knowledge management (Davenport 2008).
The Stage of KM Development

In observing the development ofKMas practiced, described, and discussed at professional meetings, conferences, and trade shows, one can observe three clear stages.

Stage one:
The initial stage of KM was driven primarily by information technology, or IT. Organizations, particularly the large international consulting organizations, realized that their stock in trade was information and knowledge.
STAGE I "By the Internet out of Intellectual Capital"
  • Information Technology
  • Intellectual Capital
  • The Internet (including intranets, extranets, etc.)
  • Key Phrases: "best practices," later replaced by the more politic "lessons learned"
Stage two:

The second stage of KM can be described simply as adding the recognition of the importance of the human and cultural dimensions.
STAGE II Human and cultural dimensions, the HR, Human Relations stage
  • Communities of Practice
  • Organizational Culture
  • The Learning Organization (Senge), and
  • Tacit Knowledge (Nonaka) incorporated into KM
  • Key Phrase: "communities of practice"
Stage three:

The third stage was the awareness of the importance of content, and, in particular, an awareness of the importance of the retrievability and, therefore, of the importance of the arrangement, description, and structure of that content.
STAGE III Content and Retrievability
Structuring content and assigning descriptors (index terms)
Key Phrases: " content management" and "taxonomies"
Stage four:
Perhaps a fourth stage of KM may be emerging, although the delineation of this fourth stage is not nearly as clear as for the previous stages. This stage can be characterized by the awareness of the importance of information and knowledge external to the organization.
STAGE IV ? Access to External Information
Emphases upon External Information and the recognition of the Importance of Context
Key Terms: "context" and "extranet"

Domain of knowledge management:


knowledge management growth:


Knowledge As Resource and process:

Through the resource perspective, organizations view knowledge as a fundamental resource in addition to the traditional resources of land, labor, and capital. It is held that the knowledge that the firm possesses is a source of sustainable competitive advantage, and is, accordingly, regarded as a strategic resource of the firm in need of management attention. On the other hand, through the process view, organizations are thought of as information processing and knowledge generating systems [Grant, R., 1996].
Baumard, P. [1999] proposes looking at knowledge in organizations along two dimensions:
tacit-explicit versus individual-collective. He defines four quadrants in which knowledge types are situated: tacit-individual (intuitiveness), tacit-collective (social practice), explicit-individual (expertise), and, explicit-collective (rules). Grounding the use of the quadrants in observations of exemplar case-study organizations, Baumard suggests that the creation of organizational knowledge can be tracked by locating actors' responses (knowing) within the appropriate quadrants of the matrix.
Interaction for knowledge creation :

While knowledge itself may be perceived as a resource, its creation occurs through human interactions, whether physical or virtual. For example, for knowledge to emerge from within a group, interactions that occur among its members shape the knowledge that emerges from the mutual engagement and participation of the group members.


  1. knowledge management(KM) process in organizations : teoritical foundations and practice, Claire R. McInerney and Michael E.D.Koenig, 2011


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